Calendar 2025
Calendar 2024
December graduation
December 15th and my two most recent Ph.D. students graduate! Boayke Dankwa and Robert Morton get their degrees and continue to make the world better.
I spoke at CornCon on October 5. It's a great event every year.
Spaf delivered the keynote talk at Hou.Sec.Con Septemer 24-25.
Speaking at UMBC
On September 4th in the COEIT Distinguished Speaker Seminar at UMBC
Paul's Security Weekly
I was part of the conversation on this podcast. I talked about common security myths and the current environment of security.
CRA Snowbird
Spaf will be at the CRA Snowbird conference, July 23-25. He's continuing to serve as one of ACM's representatives on the CRA Board of Directors.
Spaf will be making a special appearance at the Rocky Mountain Information Security Conference, June 11-13.
It was announced May 5th at RSAC that Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions has been added to the Cybersecurity Canon Hall of Fame. The announcement noted this about the Hall of Fame "This is an authoritative and exclusive list of must-read books for all cybersecurity practitioners - be they from industry, government or academia — where the content is timeless, genuinely represents an aspect of the community that is true and precise, reflects the highest quality and, if not read, will leave a hole in the cybersecurity professional's education that will make the practitioner incomplete."
Calendar 2023
CS Top 10
Spaf made the list of top 10 news items for Purdue CS!
University of Minnesota
Spaf gave the keynote talk at the biennial research symposium at the University of Minnesota on November 18.
SUNY Brockport
Spaf gave a public address on computing and cybersecurity on the campus of SUNY Brockport on October 27.
Rochester Security Summit
October 26, Spaf gave one of the keynote addresses at the Rochester Security Summit in Rochester, NY. (Recording is here.)
Spaf made a presentation in the Computerphile video series.
Spaf presented a talk the CyLab at Carnegie-Mellon On October 23rd.
Harley Davidson
Spaf addressed the global workforce of Harley Davidson on October 19 for Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This will be done online.
Cybersecurity Canon
Our book, Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions, was named to the Cybersecurity Canon of important literature!
Mike Rogers Fireside
On October 16, Spaf hosted Admiral (ret) Mike Rogers, former DIRNSA and commander of CyberCommand. Here is the recording of that chat.
AAA&S Induction
September Spaf was be inducted into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in Boston.. He was named to the Academy in 2020 but the 2021 induction was postponed because of COVID; in 2022 an airline mix-up resulted in him missing that ceremony. This cements an interesting record for him.
Ph.D. grad #24
On August 5th, my 24th Ph.D. advisee graduated. Dr. Alex Major is an Army Major, whose next assignment will be at the Army Futures Institute at West Point. His dissertation was via the INSC program and developed a reference model of Internet censorship systems.
Real CyberSecurity Podcast
Spaf was guest on the podcast with Greg Young and Bill Malik. Listen to it here.
FIRST Conference
Spaf will be presenting at the annual FIRST Conference, held in Montreal in June.
RSA Conference
Spaf will be on a panel and doing a book signing at the annual RSA Security Conference at the end of April.
CERIAS Turns 25!
The CERIAS Institute at Purdue turns 25 this year! The annual symposium will be a celebration of that event.
Profile in IEEE Spectrum
Spaf was profiled in the March 2023 issue of IEEE Spectrum; the article is also online.
New Book!
A new book, co-authored by Spaf, is out to rave reviews. The title is Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions. It can be ordered from any of the major book sites such as Amazon, and from the publisher (Pearson).
Spaf provided a keynote interview at the S4x23 conference in Miami in February. Here's a recording of that interview.
Calendar 2022
Spaf received the first ACSAC Cybersecurity Artifacts Competition Impactful System Award for his design of Tripwire (in 1991!).
RR Consortium
November 15-17, Spaf will be attending the meeting of the Rolls Royce Research Consortium at Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Time at Purdue
In August, Spaf will mark being at Purdue 35 years.
Honorary Professor
Starting August 1, Spaf has been named as an Honorary Professor of Computer Science at Nottingham University in the UK. This appointment is for three years.
Calendar 2021
Back to CRA
Spaf served on the Computing Research Association (CRA) Board of Directors from 1998-2007 as one of the official ACM representatives. He has been reappointed to the Board as ACM's representative for 2022-2023.
CERIAS Symposium
Spaf was a featured presenter at the 23rd annual CERIAS Symposium March 29-30.
Another Hall of Fame
Spaf received his Ph.D. degree from Georgia Tech in 1986. This year, he was named to the Georgia Tech College of Computing Hall of Fame.
Influential Computer Scientist
Spaf was ranked in the top 40 most influential computer scientists of today by Academic Influence.
There was a nice podcast featuring Spaf with an overview of his thoughts on the current state of cybersecurity. It is available here online and is entitled Chasing the Unattainable Aim of Security.
Calendar 2020
Test of Time Award
Spaf and 5 of his former students received a "Test of Time" award at the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy. A blog post describes the background to the paper plus some history on the formation of the COAST Laboratory.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Spaf has been elected as a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (the AAA&S).
Calendar 2019
Sandia National Labs
Spaf has been appointed as a member of Sandia National Laboratories' National Security Programs External Advisory Board. This will be an on-going position.
CISO Conference
Spaf will be making a featured presentation at the Gartner Global CISO Executive Summit.
Spaf will be giving a keynote address at this year's CornCon.
Purdue News Feature
Purdue did a news feature on my work with deception. It is available online.
Calendar 2018
2018 ISE Luminary Leadership Award Winner
Spaf is a recipient of the indicated honor. Presented at the annual ISE conference in Chicago, November 8.
Internet Worm
2018 is the 30th anniversary of the Internet Worm and my analysis of it. One online interview in the podcast "Malicious Life" with me this year was about the incident: Part 1 and Part 2.
Spaf will be taking his first real sabbatical leave of his academic career. Phew! He will be on leave, working at various locations, from August 1, 2018 until August 15, 2019.
Digital Forensics Research Workshop (DFRWS)
Spaf provided the keynote for the 18th annual DFRWS.
NACE Workshop
Spaf is chairing the NACE Workshop being held prior to the CISSE Symposium in New Orleans.
CERIAS 20th Anniversary
This was the 20th anniversary year of the founding of CERIAS (last year was the 25th anniversary of COAST). The annual symposium featured a number of former keynote speakers and new content. Videos are online at the site.
Calendar 2017
Anniversary in Round Numbers
In August, I noted quietly that I have been at Purdue for 30 years.
ACM Publications
Spaf has been appointed as a member of the ACM Publications Board, and as chair of the Ethics & Publications Committee for a four-year term.
PhD Students
Two of my PhD students -- Jeffrey Avery and Chris Gutierrez -- graduated with their PhDs this year. Both were working in the area of using deception to protect computing systems. Both were co-advised by Saurabh Bagchi.
IFIP TC-11 Award
Spaf was announced as the 2017 recipient of the Kristian Beckman Award . He delivered an invited address at the 32nd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection ( IFIP SEC 2017 ) in Rome, in May 2017 as part of the formal award presentation.
India trip
Spaf was in India from Jan 29-Feb 3 as this year's lecturer for the India-Purdue Collaborative Lecture Series in honor of Bharat Ratna Professor C.N.R Rao. This included speaking engagements at IIT Delhi, the American Center in Delhi, and presentations at FlipKart, Cisco, and GE Labs.
Calendar 2016
Spaf was named as a Sagamore of the Wabash , Indiana's highest civilian honor. This is the Purdue press release about the award.
Talk at the University of New Haven
I spoke in the UNH Alvine Lecture Series in May. You can watch it here.
Gift to SUC Brockport
Spaf sets up an endowment for his undergrad alma mater. It's an open fund that anyone else can contribute to, so think about it!.
Professor Spafford received the Outstanding Research Award from ITERA in April, at their conference in Louisville.
Calendar 2015
Spaf presented a paper at the ACSAC conference , written with students Mohammed Almeshekah, Chris Gutierrez, and colleague Mike Atallah. The paper, entitled ErsatzPasswords: Ending Password Cracking and Detecting Password Leakage , won "Best Paper" honors!
Texas A&M
Spaf was featured in the Distinguished Lecture Series at Texas A&M University .
Dawn or Doom 2
Spaf was one of the featured speakers at Purdue's " Dawn or Doom 2 " special event focused on potential perils of new technologies, featuring special guest, journalist Barton Gellman. Spaf's talk, and the talks of the other presenters, are now available online via Purdue's E-pubs site.
Spaf was a featured speaker at Google's Security & Privacy week.
Another Ph.D. Graduate
Mohammed Almeshekah received his Ph.D. degree in August, and joined the faculty of King Saud University, in Saudi Arabia. His Ph.D. dissertation was entitled Using Deception to Enhance Security: A Taxonomy, Model, and Novel Uses .
Spaf traveled to Sweden for a board meeting of the COINS advisory board (he is a member). While there, he provided a keynote talk at the NordSec Conference about his work in deception for better security.
Liarsclub and NSF
Spaf's "Liarsclub" research group , exploring the use of deception in cyber defense, won NSF EAGER funding.Talks
Spaf provided talks at several events, including the Indianapolis ISSA, and the University of Central Florida.
NTF Foundation
Spaf was named to the Board of Directors of the Network Time Foundation . Consider giving them a contribution,
Calendar 2014
Ponemon Institute
Spaf was confirmed as a Fellow of the Ponemon Institute at its most recent conference in November.
Keynote SUNY Brockport 25th Anniversary
Spaf will be the keynote speaker at the 25th anniversary dinner for the SUNY College at Brockport Computer Science department. He is a 1979 grad of what was then the joint Math-CS department, and was named as department scholar in CS at that time. He also has received an honorary degree from SUNY.
Keynote at ECSS
Spaf will be providing one of the afternoon keynote addresses at the 10th European Computer Science Summit ( ECSS ) held in Wroclaw, Poland.
Dawn or Doom?
Spaf was one of the featured speakers at Purdue's " Dawn or Doom? " special event focused on potential perils of new technologies, featuring special guest, author James Barrat. Spaf's talk, and the talks of the other presenters, are now available online via Purdue's E-pubs site.
Spaf Named to Boards
Spaf has been named as a member of Verified Voting's Board of Advisors . He has also been appointed as chair of SignaCert 's Board of Advisors.
Talks at Clemson University, University of Illinois
Spaf is giving a distinguished lecture at Clemson April 3, and an ITI Distinguished Lecture at the University of Illinois on April 30. The title of the presentation is "Why Aren't Our Systems Secure?"
Career Influencer
Spaf was named one of the top 10 InfoSec Career Influencers by the Information Security Media Group (ISMGG).
Calendar 2013
Latest PhD grad
On December 16, my most recent PhD student, Dannie Stanley, Ph.D., graduated. Prof. Dongyan Xu and I were co-advisors. Dannie has joined the faculty of Taylor University as an assistant professor.
Babbage Institute Interview
Spaf was interviewed by Jeffrey Yost of the Babbage Institute. His oral history has been included as part of their archive.
Spaf will provide one of the subject-matter expert keynotes at the Naval Academy's Science and Engineering Conference in early November.ACM Council
Spaf will be (jet-lagged) and in New York City for the ACM Council meeting.
World Knowledge Forum
Spaf will provide a talk at the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul Korea, October 14-16.
One of the keynote addresses at the ISSA International Conference will be provided by Spaf; October 9-10.
UIDP Meeting
Spaf will be in Moline, IL on Sept 10 to provide an address to the University-Industry Demonstration Partnership evening reception.
Hal Tipton Award
Spaf is the 2013 awardee of the (ISC) 2 Harold F. Tipton Lifetime Achievement Award .
Cyber Security Hall of Fame
Spaf was named as one of the 2013 inductees to the National Cyber Security Hall of Fame .
Change of Command
Spaf attended the formal change of command ceremony for his former Ph.D. student, Lt. Colonel Paul V. Williams, USAF. Paul was the commander of the 26th Network Operations Squadron for two years, and now is going to a posting at the Pentagon. Paul got great reviews, best wishes, and a medal for his time at 26 NOS.
In late August, Spaf was honored to officiate at a wedding between two of his former students! Best wishes to Mike & Jackie in their future together.
Spaf participated in a program review at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico in August.
ACM Awards and Council
Spaf was in San Francisco June 14-16 for the semiannual ACM Council meeting and awards banquet.
May 6th, Spaf attended the semiannual Northrop Grumman Cybersecurity Research Consortium research review meeting in Tysons Coirners, VA.
USACM Council
Spaf chaired the annual meeting of the USACM Council in Washington, DC
Project IMPACT
Spaf joined the group for their Maymester in DC with a class at C-SPAN .
Reverse Engineering
In May, a class of undergraduates that Spaf taught, presented their results in reverse engineering to an audience at the National Cryptologic Museum .
Cyber security workshop
In late April, Spaf attended an NSF-sponsored workshop on interdisciplinary cyber security, chaired by Lance Hoffman. He was a member of the steering committee.
Norman Augustine
April 9th, Spaf hosted distinguished visitor, Norman Augustine .
CS 50th
April 5th was the conclusion of a year of celebration of the Purdue CS Department's 50th anniversary .
RSA Conference
Spaf, along with several other Purdue personnel, attended the annual RSA Security Conference in San Francisco in February.
Calendar 2012
Renaissance Weekend
Spaf was once again in Charleston, SC, this time with daughter Elizabeth, from December 28-January 1, attending the annual New Year's Renaissance Weekend conference.
As part of Spaf's side consulting business , he spent several weeks in December In Delaware as an expert witness and consultant for a patent lawsuit.
Washington Ideas FormOnce again, Spaf attended this fascinating annual event .
The US Naval Academy's Cyber Center for Security Studies Advisory board, with Spaf as a member, met in mid November.
MIST12 Keynote
Spaf visited Japan to give one of the keynote talks at the MIST12 workshop in early November.
ACM Council
Spaf provided one of the invited keynote addresses to the ICDFC2 conference in late October.
Spaf attended his first ACM Council meeting as a member-at-large in New York City on October 12.
CS 50th
October 5th was the kick-off for a year of celebration of the Purdue CS Department's 50th anniversary .
Visit to Korea
In September, Spaf spent a week in Korea visiting colleagues, including a visit to Soonchunhyang University.
Spaf participated in a program review at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico in August.
ACM Events
Spaf was in San Francisco June 14-16 for the semiannual ACM Council meeting, and for the ACM A.M. Turning Centenary Celebration .
ACM Elections
Spaf was a candidate for member-at-large of the ACM Council. Elections will be held in (approximately) May. (He was elected.)
Dinner address
Spaf will be providing the invited dinner address at the Optics and Novel Ideas international workshop being held at Purdue's Discovery Park on May 31.
May 21-23, Spaf is attending the semiannual Northrop Grumman Cybersecurity Research Consortium research review meeting. This one is at the NGC location in Tysons Coirners, VA.
Spaf is in DC for an Air Force review panel May 9th.
Purdue University Morrill Award
At the Purdue Faculty Honors Convocation on April 26, Spaf was one of five faculty awarded the new university Morrill Award .
Spaf is part of an external review panel for the CSE department at Texas A & M University.
Frank Howard Lecture at GWU
Spaf gave the invited Frank Howard lecture at George Washington University on April 11. Past lecturers include acclaimed scientists and engineers Dr. Barbara Liskov, Dr. Mihail Roco, Dr. Frieder Seible, Dr. Werner Von Braun, Dr. Edward Teller, and Dr. W. Edwards Deming; Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Dr. Shirley Jackson; U.S. Representative Clifford Stearns; former Lockheed Martin Chairman & CEO Norman Augustine; and structural engineer of the World Trade Center, Leslie E. Robertson, P.E.
Spaf is in DC for an Air Force review panel April 10.
April 3rd and 4th is the annual CERIAS Spring Security Symposium . Spaf is the general chair and is participating as a speaker in the "fireside chat" with Art Coviello, CEO of RSA, and Howard Schmidt, Presidential Cyber Security Advisor. (Registration for the symposium is open until the morning of the 4th.) On April 5th, he's chairing the semiannual CERIAS External Advisory Board meeting.
Spaf is the featured speaker at a salon on cyber security, sponsored by the Global Policy Research Institute , in Washington DC on March 28.
LMCO and Drexel University
In a "twofer" on March 8, Spaf spoke at the NJ Lockheed Martin research lab, and then spoke at Drexel University.
RSA 2012
Spaf attended the 2012 RSA Conference in San Francisco from February 28 to March 2.
Spaf, in his role as chair of USACM, led the annual meeting in Washington, DC on February 9 & 10.
Spaf participated the U.S. Naval Academy Center for Security Studies advisory board meeting, in Annapolis, MD.
On January 26th, Spaf was a featured speaker at the Global Policy Research Institute Dinner in Washington, DC.
On January 12th, Spaf met with Congressional staff to talk about the SOPA and Protect IP bills in his role as USACM Council Chair.
Calendar 2011
Renaissance Weekend
Spaf was in Charleston, SC from December 28-January 1, attending the annual New Year's Renaissance Weekend conference.
December 6-9, Spaf was in Orlando for the annual CSAC conference.
November 9-16, Spaf participated in the Air University Board of Vistors , convened at Air University, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.
The week of November 7th, Spaf was in San Diego, attending the Anti-Phishing Working Group conference, and giving one of the conference keynote addresses.
On November 4th, Spaf attended the ACM Council meeting in New York City.
On October 17th, Spaf provided the "Midnight Seminar" at Telcordia in NJ, and broadcast to all their locations.
Spaf provided an invited seminar talk talk at Raytheon's Southern California location, broadcast throughout the company, on October 12.
September 28th-30th, Spaf visited Sandia National Laboratories, partly as a research visit, and partly for the semiannual CERIAS External Advisory Board meeting. Sandia is a CERIAS partner.
CIO Council
Spaf addressed a workshop for the Federal CIO Council at the National Defense University September 8.
ARES 2011 Conference
Spaf is serving as the honorary chair of this year's ARES Conference , and will be giving an invited address at the conference in Vienna on August 22nd.
U.S. Naval Academy
Spaf was appointed to the Advisory Board of the USNA Center for Cyber Security Studies (CCSS). The first meeting is August 15th
Disney Company
Spaf was keynote speaker July 31st at The Walt Disney Company Security, Compliance & Privacy Summit held at Disney Studios in California.
WorldComp 2011 Keynote
Spaf was in Las Vegas at WorldComp 2011. He delivered the 2nd keynote lecture on Monday morning, in the Monte Carlo Theater, entitled "The Nature of Cyber Security." The slides from the talk (showing builds) are available online , although there is no video -- there were many comments and expansion of the points on the slides that I presented verbally.
After the talk, he was presented with a Worldcomp "Outstanding Achievement" award. The text on the award reads:
Outstanding Achievement Award
The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'11)
Presents This Outstanding Achievement Award to
Professor Eugene H. Spafford
In Recognition of His Leadership, Outstanding Research Contributions, and Pioneering Work in Computer Security.
Hamid R. Arabnia
Chair, WORLDCOMP'11 Steering Committee
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
July 18, 2011
Press Event
Spaf appeared at the National Press Club as part of a press event covering progress on the Northrop Grumman Security Consortium.
Congressional Testimony
On May 4th, Spaf testified before the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade on the topic of
The Threat of Data Theft to American Consumers
. His
was on behalf of
SANS Award
Spaf was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award by Lance Spitzner of SANS at a ceremony at Purdue University on March 1st, recognizing his many contributions to security education and research in his career to date. Gene made some remarks, a few of which are repeated in one of his blog postings .
Calendar 2010
AAAS Policy Panel
I participated in a AAAS Policy panel on cyber security on November 3rd in Washington, DC.
CSTA Symposium
Spaf is providing the keynote talk at the Computer Science Teachers Association's Computer Science and Information Technology Symposium 2010 on July 13 at Google in Mountain View.
Security Visionary
Spaf was named as one of the 2010 Security Visionaries by "The Everything Channel."
ARES Conference
Spaf is giving one of the keynote talks at the ARES Conference in Krakow Poland, Feb 15-18.
CSTB/NRC Committee Chair
Spaf has been named as the chair of the CSTB/NRC Committee on Depicting IT in Innovation .
Computers & Security Editor
Spaf has been named as the new Editor of the oldest journal in information security: Elsevier's Computers & Security. We're on the lookout for great articles, so give it some thought!
Calendar 2009
Madison Policy Forum
Spaf will be participating in the first Madison Policy Forum on Cyber Security in NYC on October 27th.
Spaf was named as a "Distinguished Fellow" of the ISSA .
Virginia Tech
Spaf gave a Distinguished Lecture at Virginia Tech on October 9.
Cyber Security Summit for Large Research Facilities
Spaf presented the Monday morning keynote talk at this NSF Conference on September 14.
Spaf delivered a distinguished lecture speaking at Tufts University on September 10.
ACM Meeting
Spaf was in San Diego for the ACM Council meeting and the ACM Awards ceremony , June 25 and 26, respectively.
IFIP Trust Management Conference
Spaf gave one of the keynote talks at the IFIP Trust Management Conference being held at Purdue, June 16-19.
Senate Testimony
Spaf testified before the Senate Commerce Committee on cyber security and education. His written testimony is available online .
CRA Award
Spaf has been named as recipient of the 2009 CRA Distinguished Service Award .
Attending the NITRD Strategic Plan Panel
Being held February 25 and 26, the panel is also being webcast .
Spaf on C-SPAN
Spaf was a guest on C-SPAN's Washington Journal program on February 21. You can watch a recording of that session .
Air University
The Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates , has appointed Professor Spafford to the U.S. Air Force Air University Board of Visitors . The Board is composed of members who are eminent authorities in the field of air power, defense, management, leadership, and academia. Members provide the Secretary of the Air Force , through the Commander, Air University and the Commander, Air Education and Training Command , independent advice and recommendations on matters pertaining to the educational, doctrinal, and research policies and activities of Air University.
Spaf has been named as the 2009 recipient of the UPE Abacus Award . He will receive the award at the 2009 Annual Convention of UPE held on Friday, March 6, 2009 in conjunction with the ACM SIGCSE Annual Conference .
Calendar 2008
Founders Day at UT San Antonio ICS
Spaf is speaking at the Founder's Day celebration .
Information Security Decisions Conference
October 5th & 6th, Spaf will be speaking at the Tech Target Information Security Decisions conference Chicago. While there he will received one of the Security 7 awards.
Interview in Forensic Focus
Spaf was interviewed by Forensic Focus .
Interview in Science News
Spaf was interviewed in the September 13th issue of Science News. The article is also available online .
Talk on E-voting
Spaf gave a talk to the local community on September 8 about the technology used in voting, and some of the problems with electronic voting machines. A resource page is available online.
Talk at Norwich University
Spaf spoke at the graduation conference of the 2008 MSIA graduating class at Norwich University in Vermont on June 9.
Talk at ISIPS 2008
Spaf gave a talk on the balance between security and privacy at the 2008 ISIPS workshop .
CERIAS is #1 in Information Security!
Academic Analytics, a private firm that rates academic programs, has determined that Purdue's CERIAS program is the #1 in information security -- and they didn't even count all of the faculty involved!
Talk at Florida Institute of Technology
Spaf will present one of the Distinguished Lectures at FIT on February 1.
Talk at IHMC
Spaf gave two talks in Pensacola, Florida at the Institute for Human-Machine Cognition. The evening talk on January 30 will be open to the public. One of them is on YouTube .
Information Security
Information Security magazine's 10th anniversary issue mentions of Spaf as someone who has helped shape information security.
Calendar 2007
Speaker at Kansas State University
On December 3rd & 4th, Spaf will be speaking in the Distinguished Lecture Series at Kansas State University.
Speaker at Indiana University
November 30th, Spaf will be speaking in the Distinguished Lecture series at Indiana University in Bloomington.
Speaker at Purdue PugWash Presents
On the evening of November 13th, Spaf will be presenting a talk on voting technologies in the Purdue Pugwash Presents series on campus .
Panel at ISD November 6
Howard Schmidt, Bruce Schneier, and Spaf were part of a " Crystal Ball Panel " at the Information Security Decisions conference in Chicago. Some press coverage of the event here .
Spaf & Myth Busters
Spaf was part of a "prelude" to the Purdue appearance of the Myth Busters. You can view the entire show online .
Spaf Interviewed for Silver Bullet
Spaf was interviewed by Gary McGraw as part of the "Silber Bullet" interview series for IEEE.
Spaf quoted in an article on WWW Privacy
Forbes has an interesting article about on-line privacy: Anonymity & the Net by Victoria Murphy Barret.
Usenet History Info
The folks at Giganews have added an interview with Spaf about the early days of Usenet to their Usenet History site .
Article on Cyber War 3.0
Spaf was quoted at length in an article on cyberwarfare printed in Network World .
Interview in Baseline
I was interviewed by the editor of Baseline magazine, and the interview appeared in print . It isn't my best interview, but...
Computer Viruses @ 25
Richard Ford and I wrote a commentary for Science Magazine on computer viruses. 2007 is the 25th anniversary of the malicious computer virus. Scientific American did a story on the story.
ACM President's Award
Spaf was presented with a 2007 ACM President's Award on June 9 in San Diego. The citation on the announcement was
"...for his long and effective leadership on issues of computer security and policy, professional responsibility, and the Internet."
Press release
SERC Annual Meeting
Spaf presented the evening banquet keynote talk at the 2007 SERC Spring Showcase, held at Purdue.
Temple University
Spaf spoke in the Distinguished Lecture Series at Temple University on April 19.
Security and Liberty Forum
Spaf was one of the speakers at the Security and Liberty Forum held at the University of North Carolina on April 14.
LANGURE Conference
Spaf attended the national LANGURE conference in Raleigh, NC, from April 12-14.
Article about On-Line Social Sites
At last, I was quoted in an airline magazine . :-)
National Academy of Engineering
Spaf was one of the featured speakers at a symposium on voting machines and e-voting being held in honor of Bill Wulf. This will be February 8th, at the Beckman Center in Irvine, CA.
Profile in campus newspaper
Spaf is profiled in an article in the January 9th issue of The Exponent, the campus newspaper.
UTSA Appointment
As of 2007, Spaf is also an Adjunct Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at San Antonio, and is Executive Director of the Advisory Board of the new Institute for Information Assurance there.
Interview in ComputerWorld
Spaf was interviewed for an article in ComputerWorld about e-voting security and reliability. This follows on other such interviews, and the efforts of the USACM towards verifiable votes.
Calendar 2006
"Powerful Person"
Spaf was named as one of the " 50 Most Powerful People in Networking " by Network World .
University of Delaware
Spaf spoke in the Distinguished Lecture Series of the University of Delaware on December 6th. (Postponed from November 17th.) It was covered in the campus newspaper .
Georgetown Law
Spaf was a speaker and panelist at a conference on Cyber Security and the Law , held at Georgetown University, November 9 & 10 and cosponsored by ISSA.
University College, Dublin, Ireland
On October 20, Spaf presented a seminar lecture on cyber security at University College in Dublin, Ireland.
Spaf has been named as the recipient of the 2006 Outstanding Contribution Award of the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control.
IEEE Fort Worth MetroCon
Spaf presented the keynote talk at the IEEE Fort Worth (Texas) MetroCon on October 4.
Motorola Security Conference
Spaf was the keynote speaker at the Motorola Security Conference, Security on the Horizon, in Itasca Illinois on September 14.
Wasserman Award
Spaf was selected by the
New York Metropolitan Chapter as the 2006 recipient of their
Joseph J. Wasserman award
for, in their citation,
... your overall body of work and contributions to the information security profession.
Snowbird Conference
As a member of the CRA Board of Directors, Spaf attended the CRA Board meeting and annual Snowbird Conference in Utah, June 24-27.
Congressional Testimony
On June 22, Spaf testified before the US House Committee on Veterans' Affairs regarding information security. A copy of his written testimony is available online .
Spaf gave the keynote presentation at the National Colloquium on Information Systems Security Education ( NCISSE ) on June 6.
Network World Interview
Spaf was recently interviewed by Network World magazine.
AusCERT 2006 and QUT
Spaf provided a keynote presentation at the (May) 2006 AusCERT Conference at the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. A few days prior to that, he provided a public lecture at Queensland Institute of Technology (QUT) .
May Graduation
My two most recent Ph.D. students received their degrees. Left to right in the picture are Rajeev Gopalakrishna (#16), me, and Brian Carrier (#15). Brian and Rajeev received their degrees May 14th. Both are headed to labs in the commercial sector, with Brian at Basis Technology and Rajeev at Intel Corporation .
Fermilab Colloquium
Spaf presented in the Fermilab Colloquium series on May 10.
Distinguished Lecture at Tufts University
On April 24th, Spaf presented in the Distinguished Lecture Series at Tufts University .
Distinguished Lecture at SUNY Buffalo
On April 6, Spaf presented in SUNY Buffalo 's Distinguished Lecture Series .
League of Women Voters
On April 1, Spaf addressed the Indiana League of Women Voters conference on the topics of computerized voting machines and HAVA-mandated state-wide databases.
Forensics Conference
Spaf delivered the keynote address at the conference Innovations in Digital Forensic Practice on March 28 in Washington, DC.
IEEE Award
Spaf has been named as the recipient of the 2005 IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award. The citation on the award is For contributions to information security and digital forensics. (Previous award winners are noted on the award website .)
IFIP WG 11.9
On January 30th, Spaf delivered the keynote address, Research Challenges in Digital Forensics: Science, Technology and Policy in Orlando, FL at the Conference on Digital Forensics .
January Series
Spaf was one of the speakers in the 2006 January Series , held at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI. He is speaking on January 5, and the title of his talk is You're Almost on Your Own: The State of Computer Security .
While at Calvin College, Spaf was interviewed for the TV show Inner Compass . This show was broadcast on January 22nd, and is available via streaming video from their WWW site (see item #611, partway down the page).
Calendar 2005
ISSA E-conference
Spaf provided one of the keynote addresses at the first ISSA e-conference. You can view the archived presentation.
Testifying before HASC
On October 26, at 9am (EDT), Spaf was part of a panel testifying before the House Armed Services Committee in Rayburn 2118. The topic was "Cyber Security, Information Assurance and Information Superiority" and Spaf's written testimony is online.
Quoted in FCW Article
An article in the Oct 5th issue of FCW quoted Spaf at some length.
Speaking in Norway
On September 29th & 30th, Spaf was a guest speaker at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
August graduation
On August 6, three of my Ph.D. students received their degrees. Left to right in the picture are Jim Early (#13), Florian Buchholz (#12), me, and Paul Williams (#14). All three are now assistant professors in academia. Jim is visiting at Purdue, Florian is with the faculty at James Madison University, and Paul is with the faculty of the Air Force Institute of Technology (he is an active-duty major (select) in the US Air Force). And no, not all of my students are than much taller than me -- only most of them!
Internet Caucus
On July 26th, Spaf was one of the presenters at a luncheon presentation on cyber security for the Advisory Committee for the Congressional Research and Development Caucus. The event was sponsored by the IEEE USA . The event was reported in an IEEE publication and in an article in Red Herring.
Third and Final PITAC Report
President Bush allowed the PITAC to expire without renewal on June 1st. This is unfortunate as there were many other issues to explore. However, the group's third and final report issued on June 16: Computational Science: Ensuring America's Competitiveness .
Honorary Degree
On May 14th, Spaf was presented with an honorary D.Sc. (Doctor of Science) from the trustees of the State University of New York (SUNY). This was awarded at the spring commencement at his alma mater, the State University of New York College at Brockport . A copy of the citation and his remarks are available.
Interview in Public CIO
Spaf was interviewed for the magazine Public CIO . The interview is online .
Keynote at University of Denver
Spaf provided one of the keynote presentations at the innaugural symposium of the new Institute for Digital Security at the University of Denver on April 8.
PITAC Report on Cybersecurity Released
Spaf is a member of PITAC and helped co-author its most recent report on cybersecurity. The report, Cyber Security: A Crisis of Prioritization outlines the failure of the Federal government to adequately support R&D in advance information security. Copies of the report can be obtained from the the PITAC site. (The report is also mirrored [here] .)
Spaf Signs on to Amicus Brief
Spaf joined with 16 other professors in an amicus brief in the MGM vs. Grokster case. The amicus is linked in to the EFF page on the case -- see the section entitled "Amicus Briefs Supporting Respondents."
Eastern Tennesee Statue University
On February 18, Spaf spoke in the Distinguished Lecture series at ETSU.
University of Texas, Dallas
On February 11, Spaf spoke in the Distinguished Lecture series at UT Dallas.
Calendar 2004
William and Mary
On December 3, Spaf presented a Distinguished Colloquium at the College of William and Mary.
On November 16, Spaf presented as one of the Director's Colloquium Speakers for 2004. He spoke about " Grand Challenges in Information Security," based on the CRA Conference of the same name.
The next day, on the 17th, Spaf was at SMU delivering a talk on the "Past, Present and Future of Information Security."
Centennial Speaker at St. Michael's College
On November 8th, Spaf presented one of St. Michael's Centennial addresses. He spoke about " Grand Challenges in Information Security," based on the CRA Conference of the same name.
Panelist on E-voting in Chicago
October 1, the John Marshall School of Law is sponsoring a symposium in Chicago entitled " Election 2004: Making of a President or Another Legal Precedent? The legal aspects of e-voting. " Spaf will serve on a panel discussing the pros and cons of DRE voting machines.
University Convocation
Spaf was the invited speaker for the fall university convocation at Texas A&M-Commerce on September 10.
CRA Snowbird
Spaf led two panel sessions at this year's CRA Snowbird conference , July 11-13. He is also a member of the CRA Board of Directors , which met at the conference.
Spaf has been named as the 2004 recipient of the ACM SIGCAS Making a Difference Award . This award is presented annually to an individual who is recognized nationally or internationally for his or her leadership or example in promoting the mission of SIGCAS to increase awareness of ethical and social impact issues related to computing and to encourage responsible action on the part of computer professionals. The inscription on the 2004 award read:
Presented to Dr. Eugene H. Spafford
Professor and Executive Director of the Purdue University Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)
For his outstanding contribution to both the technical and public policy aspects of protecting the global cyberspace infrastructure.
PITAC Meeting
The PITAC held their first public meeting in Washington, DC, on May 13th. As a member, Spaf was present, and the group heard presentations by a number of people working in cyber security. The PITAC is examining funding and research in this area this year.
On-line interview
Spaf was recently interviewed on-line by GrepLaw.
SIGCSE Keynote
Spaf delivered one of the keynote talks at the 2004 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education , March 3-7.
Taylor L. Booth Award
Spaf has been named as the 2003 recipient of the IEEE Computer Society's Taylor L. Booth Award . The award consists of a bronze medal and a an honorarium, and is presented for an outstanding record in computer science and engineering education. The individual must meet two or more of the following criteria in the computer science and engineering field: achieving recognition as a teacher of renown; writing an influential text; leading, inspiring or providing significant education content during the creation of a curriculum in the field; or inspiring others to a career in computer science and engineering education.
The award was presented later in the year. The formal citation read:
For excellence as an educator, and for outstanding contributions to the definition, materials and practice of information security and computing.
More information on the award.
Spaf receives Purdue Brass Acorn award
Spaf received one of the new Brass Acorns for contributions to research. Along with this, a tree was planted on campus to match the "acorn."
Interview on e-Voting
Spaf was interviewed by WISH-TV in Indianapolis as part of an investigative report on the problems with electronic voting technologies. The report was aired in three parts, and Spaf was featured in all three parts. Here are transcripts of part 1 , of part 2 , and of part 3 .
Calendar 2003
ACSAC Classic Paper
Spaf presented the invited "classic" paper at the 2003 ACSAC conference in Las Vegas. The paper was entitled A Failure to Learn from the Past , and was about the Internet Worm and what we (haven't) learned in the 15 years since then.
Cybercrime Conference
Spaf presented an invited talk at the annual Department of Defense Cybercrime Investigators' Conference in Las Vegas. The talk was on the future challenges facing investigators based on technology trends.
CRA Grand Challenges
Spaf is co-chair of the Computing Research Association 's 2nd Grand Challenges Conference . This conference was on the topic of Information security and was held November 16-19 in Virginia.
LACSI Symposium
Spaf gave the keynote address at the Los Alamos Computer Science Institute (LACSI) Symposium in Santa Fe, October 28.
USAF Medal
On October 8, Spaf was presented with the U.S. Air Force medal for "Meritorious Civilian Service," in recognition of his work with the USAF Scientific Advisory Board. from 1999-2003.
Cybersecurity Symposium
Spaf gave the keynote address, What Comes Next In Infosec Research? at the Cybersecurity Symposium in Colorado Springs, September 19.
Additional House Testimony
On September 17, Spaf is providing testimony to the House Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census. The topic of the hearing is the role of software certification in obtaining software for the government.
(Information about my Congressional testimony can be found here .)
National Association of Attorneys General ( NAAG )
On September 9, Spaf gave the keynote address on Legal Challenges in the Cyber Future at the NAAG Cybercrime III Conference held at the University of Mississippi.
Profile in IEEE Institute
Spaf was profiled in an article in the IEEE Institute's September issue.
NSF Advisory Role
I spent 12 weeks over the academic year (2003-2004) as a senior advisor at NSF . I reported to the Assistant Director for CISE , Dr. Peter Freeman. I was there as an advisor and not as a program manager -- to provide some input and perspective, based on my 20+ years working in security and reliability within academia.
Testimony before House Subcommittee
On July 24th, Spaf was one of the witnesses giving testimony before the Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee. The hearing was entitled Cyber Terrorism: The New Asymmetric Threat
(Information about my Congressional testimony can be found here .)
Alumni Award
Spaf was awarded the
Hall of Heritage Award
from the
SUNY Brockport College
Alumni Association. Brockport is where Spaf completed his undergraduate degree in 1979. This award is the Association's highest award for accomplishment and service.
Book of Great Teachers
Spaf was named as an addition to the
Book of Great Teachers
. The formal induction was held August 28.
This is
a Purdue news story about it.
CEPE keynote
Spaf delivered the closing keynote address at
CEPE 2003
-- the Fifth International Computer Ethics - Philosophical Enquiry Conference in Boston on June 27. He also played a role in the premier performance of the play
Computer Security,
written by SIGCAS Distinguished Service Awardee, Richard Epstein. (Spaf played a robot driven crazy by a hacker. :-)
Nomination to PITAC
On 9 May 2003, the
White House announced
that Spaf had been selected as a member of the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (
ICSE 2003 Keynote
Spaf is providing one of the three keynote addresses at the
2003 ICSE Conference
in Portland, OR. His talk on the morning of May 8, 2003 is entitled
Relating Software Engineering and Information Security
Named to Microsoft Trustworthy Computing Advisory Board
Microsoft Corporation has announced the formation of an academic advisory board to provide input to software assurance and privacy practices and plans at Microsoft. Spaf is one of 19 members of that board. The story has been described in a Microsoft
press release
Spring 2003 Distinguished Lectures
Spaf is providing Distinguished lectures at a number of universities this spring:
- Air Force Institute of Technology, January 10.
- University of Colorado, January 27
- University of Chicago , January 31
- University of Louisiana , Lafayette, March 14
handout of his presentation
is available online.
Calendar 2002
Keynote at CSI
Spaf is giving the keynote address at the
29th annual CSI Conference
in Chicago on November 12, 2002.
Appearance on TechTV
Spaf appeared on "
The Screensavers
" show on TechTV on November 6, 2002. He spoke about computer security, and particularly about
security in open software
Fall 2002 Distinguished Lectures
Spaf is providing Distinguished lectures at a number of universities this fall:
- University of Delaware, Oct 11
- University of Pittsburgh, Nov 1
- Colorado State University , Nov 4
NSF Distinguished CISE Lecture
On December 5, Spaf will present the Distinguished CISE Lecture at the National Science Foundation in Virginia. The title of the talk is
Building Secure Software
Calendar 2001
Teaching Academy
Spaf has been named as a Fellow of the
Purdue Teaching Academy
, in fall of 2001.
House Testimony
Spaf was one of four witnesses to testify before the House Science committee on infosec on October 10, 2001.
(Information about my Congressional testimony can be found here .)
William Hugh Murray Medal
Spaf awarded the 2001 William Hugh Murray Medal by the National Colloquium for Information System Security Education (
). The medal is for career contributions to research and education in information systems security.
ISSA Hall of Fame
Spaf was named to the
Hall of Fame and made a Life Member. This recognizes his body of contributions to policy, research, and teaching in infosec, and to advancing the field. It is the highest award bestowed by ISSA.
Charles B. Murphy Award
Spaf was named as one of the year 2001 recipients of the "Purdue University Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award in Memory of Charles B. Murphy." This award has been given
annually since 1966
to recognize the most outstanding undergraduate teachers at Purdue.
Person to Watch
Spaf was one of the people named by
USA Today
as one of the
People to Watch in 2001
IEEE Fellow
Spaf was named as a Fellow of the IEEE , effective January 1, 2001.
Calendar 2000
"Power's Edge"
In December, Spaf was named by Network World as one of the " 50 on Power's Edge ." This is their list of 50 after the top 25.
CISSP Designation
In November 2000, Spaf was designated as an Honorary CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)q by the Board of Directors of
Security Award
Spaf was selected as the 2000 recipient of the National Computer System Security Award. This provides some information on the award, and Spaf's comments upon receiving it.