
Re: faster-than-light automobiles

> ... But let us assume that you get a car that can travel the speed of
> light and you begin to unravel these age old mysteries...WHEN
> SUDDENLY...You are faced with an even more dreadful question
>  If you're driving at the speed of light and get pulled over by
> an Oakwood Taxi-cop....What kind of fine are you gonna pay???
> ...
>   And he ain't gonna take the excuse that you didn't realize how fast you
> were going......."Didn't you notice the Blue Shift ,son."

This reminds me of a tale told, if I remember correctly, by Richard
Feynmann about Murray Gell-Mann, one of the developers of quark
theory.  It seems Gell-Mann was hauled into traffic court for running
a red light, but explained to the judge that the light had appeared to
him to be green due to the blue shift.  Since Gell-Mann was a
Nobel-laureate physicist, the judge was about to let him off until a
disgruntled graduate student who happened to be in the audience told
the judge exactly how fast Gell-Mann would have been travelling.  The
charge was changed to speeding....