
From the 'Oddities' section of the San Jose Mercury News

Ottawa, Onterio, waitress Cindy Havens, 30, had her crime downgraded
from trafficing in marijuana to possession after explaining to a judge that
she had such a large quantity on hand because it seemed to be the only thing
her pet iguana, Pogo Longtail, would eat.  (The judge them mused aloud whether
his ruling would cause a run on iguanas at local pet stores.)
Anthony Zielinski, member of the Milwaukee, Wis. County Board of Supervisors,
proposed in May to give the government the authority to sell the vital organs 
of indigents when they die.  "If they can't help society when they're alive,
maybe they can help while they're dead."  He later withdrew the proposal.
Two Western Michigan University professors (husband and wife) were under
investigation in April followin an exam incident.  According to reports, when
the husband discovered a student cheating, he grabbed the student in a
headlock while his wife bit the student.