Some new items about Spaf in the news can be found here, on the News page. That page also indicates some upcoming appearances and events.

It was announced May 5th at RSAC that Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions has been added to the Cybersecurity Canon Hall of Fame.

The announcement noted this about the Hall of Fame "This is an authoritative and exclusive list of must-read books for all cybersecurity practitioners - be they from industry, government or academia — where the content is timeless, genuinely represents an aspect of the community that is true and precise, reflects the highest quality and, if not read, will leave a hole in the cybersecurity professional's education that will make the practitioner incomplete."

Have you gotten your copy of the book? Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions: Avoiding Hazards and Pitfalls That Derail Us by Spaf, Leigh Metcalf, and Josiah Dykstra. See the informational handout for details including

See this handout (PDF)

The book is now available in a Japanese translation! You can get it on the Japan Google site.

And, related to that, the book is now as an audiobook!