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Re: The 10 best geeky computer films | Culture | The Observer

William Urton wrote:

"π is the geek movie it’s OK for really smart people to like." No, 'Pi' is the geek movie it's OK for pretentious film-school grads who think long division is advanced mathematics to like.

Also, if 'Disclosure', 'Hackers' and 'Tron' make it into the top-ten
geeky films list, I despair for geeky films. 'Eternal Sunshine of the
Spotless Mind', 'Spellbound' (2002) and 'Apollo 13' are each about a
million times geekier than any of those, and each has about as much
to do with computers as 'Weird Science' does.
Frank Wales [frank@xxxxxxxxx]

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