
Honda Ad #2

This is in the same series of ads as the one where the Bill Gates
lookalike tries to find meaning...

The scene, a first grade classroom, children sitting on the floor around a
teacher sitting in a chair just about large enough for a first grade child.
The overlay says it is in Walnut Creek, California, a town about 40 miles
East of San Francisco...

Teacher: So what did Dick and Jane's story mean to you...Jennifer?

Jennifer: Well, I guess I saw it as a birth parable

little boy: ...with the house as the mother

little boy 2: But what about spot?

little boy 3: Spot's the id, the animal force, searching for release

little girl: Leave it to Nicholas to invoke Freud...

The bell rings, class is over, scene changes to the outside where all the
kids climb into their mothers' Honda cars.  Overlay says "Is Honda the
perfect car for Northern California, or what?"

mother's voice: So how was school?

kid's voice: Aw, same old stuff.