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More from Henry Cate's collection....

------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Sat, 08 Dec 90 15:50:34 -0800 
From:    cate3.osbu_north@xerox.com

>From the "News of the Weird" column:

Ronald McClanahan, 41, was arrested in September when he tried to rob a 
Columbia, Mo., gun shop with a knife.  He tried to open the electronic 
cash register by randomly pushing buttons, but then became frustrated and 
tried to carry it away until the cord got caught, yanking him to the floor.  
When an employee approached with a shotgun, McClanahan first lay perfectly 
still, then bolted up, yelling, "Go ahead and shoot me," then tried to lug 
the cash register out again.  Then he dropped it so he could flee, but when 
the drawer broke open, he stopped to grab some money.  As he ran for the 
exit, gun-wielding employees blocked him.  When police arrived, they had 
to use force to loosen his grip on the money.

Reason magazine reports that a survey of hotel bills from last year's 
convention of religious broadcasters revealed that 80 percent watched 
an X-rated movie on their hotel room's closed-circuit channel.

Researchers studying solar radiation in eight major U.S. cities recently found 
no significant increase despite fears about ozone-layer depletion.  According 
to Dr. Joseph Scotto of the National Institutes of Health, the likely reason 
is that increased radiation is being blocked by increased smog.

Steven G. Rollins, already serving 32 years for killing a prison inmate in 
1974 and charged with rape while on parole in Providence, R.I., in July, 
became dissatisfied with his lawyer's defense tactics and began to beat him 
with his fists in the courtroom, causing a concussion before he was restrained.


(Associated Press)

OROVILLE - A recent burglary victim attending a neighborhood watch meeting 
spotted her television, Christmas stockings and other lost items in the home 
of the neighbor hosting the meeting, police said.

"The clincher was that the woman putting on the neighborhood watch program 
was wearing the victim's dress," Oroville police Detective Art Hatley said.

The victim, Nancy Miler, sat calmly through the discussion by neighbors and 
two Oroville police officers, Hatley said.

"She kept her head about it.  Then, when the meeting was over, she waited 
outside for the officers and told them what she had seen," he said.

Detectives obtained search warrants for the home and for a locker the 
residents rented at a storage business.

When they served the warrants Wednesday, they found about $9,000 worth of 
stolen property belonging to Miller and other burglary victims in both 
places, police said.  They also found an ounce of methamphetamines.

Denise and Jeffrey Lagrimas were arrested on charges of possession of 
stolen property and methamphetamines for sale.  They were booked into Butte 
County Jail and released on $10,000 bail each.

Miller lost the television set, dress and other items when her storage 
locker, at the same business where the Lagrimases had a locker, was 
burglarized in mid-November.

(From News and Oberservers, Dec 14, 1989) 
Beijing - Primary school students were confused 
          by the government's anti-porno slogan 
          -- "Sweep the Yellow".  "Yellow" usually 
          refers to pornographic material. 
          The report said some young pupils were told 
          pornography was pictures of people not wearing 
          clothes.  Some obediently handed in their own  
          bare-bottomed baby pictures. 

Back when I was attending the University of Utah, The school newspaper
ran a joke ad for a debate between Phil Donahue and Whiskers the Lamb.
Over 30 people showed up.  (what they were expecting, God only knows.)

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