
A Matter of Pride

>From "The Secular Humorist", of "Free Inquiry" magazine:

>From the monthly newspaper "Hinduism Today" comes word that "Hindus are
running at the head of the pack" when it comes to the Guiness Book of World
Records.  Ashrita Furman, a disciple of guru Sri Chinmoy, allegedly holds the
most records claimed by one person - 13 - including records for jumping jacks
(27,000) and somersaulting (12.25 miles).  Shamefully, the record for lying on
a bed of nails (300 hours) is held by a Christian clergyman.  The paper
"thinks Hindus should get it back" and promises publicity to any Hindu who
meets Guiness's tough requirements to break the record.


False Idols

Rock Star Billy Idol, who recently was injured in a motorcycle accident, had
the following to say about reports that the accident had led him to find God:
"Everybody got it wrong.  I said I was into porn again, not born again."