
Where No Man Has Gone Before

>From a San Jose Mercury News Sunday magazine interview
 with William Shatner:

	...The real kick about directing science fiction is that you can
	start from a clean slate.  You can invent things to your heart's
	content and you don't necessarily have to explain how it works. 
	For example, in *Star Trek V* we shot a scene -- it doesn't
	appear in the finished film; I don't know exactly why we cut it
	-- where Kirk and Spock have to make a visit to the men's room. 
	And the camera angle shows them from the waist up, a frontal
	view; they're just standing there, several feet apart.  They
	don't fuss around with their zippers or anything.  There are
	none of the sounds you associate with a trip to the men's room;
	just Kirk and Spock looking slightly bored.  After a half-minute
	or so they just walk away -- they're finished.  Well, how did
	they complete their mission?  That's up to the audience to
	speculate on.