
[lsc@Eng.Sun.COM: How you spell "satan"? N-A-T-...]

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Date:    Wed, 26 Sep 90 15:06:23 -0700 
From:    lsc@Eng.Sun.COM
To:      out-jokes@chryse.Eng.Sun.COM, hhersh@East.Sun.COM, spaf
Subject: How you spell "satan"? N-A-T-...

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Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 14:49:00 PDT
From: recker@blizzard (John Recker)
Subject: devil worship, anyone?

from today's (9/26/90) paper

After listening to more than an hour of angry testimony
from witches, christians, and teachers about the spelling
game "Wizards", the Milpitas Board decided to let stand an
earlier decision to ban the game.


In the game, student progress though a series of levels
by spelling words correctly. The first four are symbolized
by human characters. The last four are fantasy beings:
an enchanter, a sorcerer, a magician and a wizard.

Teachers and many parents support it as a fun way to teach
kids spelling, but critics argue that it will lead to 
satanic worship.


(Good thing they haven't let any of those critics look
at /usr/games recently!!!)


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