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End of another week

Those giant buffalo herds were destroyed by the same thing troubling me: excessive roaming charges.

                         (James Knowles)


                     I'm all for gun control.
                  My hands usually get so shaky
                  I'm firing all over the place.

                         (Jerry L. Embry)


            If I ever need treatment for cancer, I'll
             go to the Lone Ranger. He's chemo savvy.

                           (Alan Selk)


             I've been teaching my parrot to meditate
               and do astral projection. Today she
              had her first out-of-birdy experience.

                           (Bad Macaw)


       Consonants are easy, but I get angry with the other
      letters. I guess I just have irritable vowel syndrome.

                          (John Gardner)


       My boss called me into his office and said we needed
          to talk turkey about my attitude. I gobbled at
         him for three minutes and now I'm out of a job!

                         (Donald Johnson)


               Cutting hair is an act of barbarism.

                           (Larry Baum)


        The best wedding I ever attended was my cousin's,
      the television repairman. The reception was excellent.

                        (Phyllis Hilliard)


     Having no date at school, I usually spent Saturday night
     ironing my clothes, using my special ginger ale mix with
    water. EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY NIGHT! It was soda pressing.

                        (Phyllis Hilliard)
