
Re: Hidden messages

From: ap1i+@andrew.cmu.edu (Andrew C. Plotkin)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Subject: Re: Hidden messages

> Excerpts from netnews.alt.folklore.computers: 6-Dec-90 Hidden messages
> in OSs Jim Cheetham@oasis.icl.s (1324)

> Is it just me, or have "hidden mesages" in OSs gone downhill ?

[Apologies if you've heard this before.]

Not in OS's, but there's a digital-circuit simulator here at CMU which
has a beautiful little easter egg.

It's a graphic thingie -- you lay out chips and gates and things on the
screen, and then punch go and see whether it does what you want. Fine. 
There's also a "print" command. Unfortunately, they never got around to
piping the output through print; it just creates a temporary file full
of Postscript. You get to print it yourself. Fortunately, we're
nose-deep in Postscript printers, and even the EE's can figure it out...

The point is, someone once bothered to read through one of these
Postscript files. Halfway through was several lines of comments,
beginning (paraphrased from memory:)

% Enough work for now -- here's a recipe you might enjoy.

and it had a complete recipe for sourdough pancakes, and then went back
to Postscript commands.

Whoever put that in gets many, many points.
